Site of Special Scientific Interest
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) were designated by Hong Kong Government which are of special biological or geological importance. It is an administrative system to alert government departments the importance of SSSIs and avoid causing significant impacts to them in planning their development projects. There are currently 67 SSSIs in Hong Kong, covering a total area of about 7526 hectares.

Why SSSIs are important to us?
除了保護他們不受開發和土地用途變化的影響外,大多數SSSI都是對公眾開放的,並且非常接近市區。 很多SSSI本身是景點,並提供許多不同類型的娛樂和教育活動,甚至成為科學研究領域的重要地方。
Apart from protecting these sites from development and land-use change, most SSSIs are open to the public and are close to urban areas. These sites become attractions and support many different types of recreational and educational activities, or even as a focus for scientific research fields.

This website is aiming to share the information of SSSI which can be easily accessible to the communities and societies that can be involved in recreational purposes, as well as monitoring and safeguarding these ecological hotspots.

Woody and Chak are two postgraduate students from the University of Hong Kong who are studying MScEnvironmental Management. We are passionate environmental educators, as well as nature lovers. We realize SSSIs are locations in Hong Kong which full of natural treasures, but unfortunately, there are lacking actions and management to protect these valuable ecological hotspots. Therefore, we would like to increase the public awareness of SSSI by creating an online platform.