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丫洲 / Centre Island
The whole Centre Island in Tolo Harbour and the area is about 3.1 hectares.
丫洲具有特殊地質價值 ,島上擁有二疊紀時代的植物化石。而且丫洲在地質上丫洲與馬屎洲有聯繫,擁有香港已知的最古老的岩層。 該島上的岩石也遭受了接觸變質作用,擁有像紅柱石之類的礦物。
This island is of geological interest. It contains plant fossils of Permian age, including Pecopteris, Comsopteris and Cordaites. It is geologically linked to Ma Shi Chau and contains the oldest rock formation known in Hong Kong. Rocks on this island also suffered from contact metamorphism, minerals like Andalusite has been discovered.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
Development such as tipping, reclamation, or borrowing will pose risk to the site.
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