企嶺下紅樹林 / Kei Ling Ha Mangal
The site includes the mangal community and the mud flat covering the western coast of Kei Ling Ha Hoi (Three Fathoms Cove) from Tseng Tau southward to the iner bay. The total area is about 48.4 hectares. The mangal community receives discharges from a number of small freshwater streams originating from Ma On Shan. The largest stand of mangroves can be found near Sai Kung.
This mangal is one of the largest stand of mangroves in Hong Kong. Like the mangal in Ting Kok SSSI, it is the remain of the mangrove once flourishing the Tolo Harbour. Unlike other mangals which consist of mainly silty and muddy substrate, the substrate here also includes sand covered with cobbles in many places. Almost all mangroves and their associated plants recorded in Hong Kong can be found here, including the rare Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and the uncommon Lumnitzera racemosa. The latter is rather common at the back of this mangal.
A clear zonation pattern can be observed: Kandelia candel and Aegicerus corniculatum dominate the seaward part of the community with the former normally grows on more muddy substrate. At the more landward part, Avicennia marina, Acanthus ilicifolius, Lumnitzera raccemosa and Exoecaria agallocha can be found. At the back of the managal is a well developed strip of mangrove associates including Hibiscus tiliaceus, Clerodendron inerme, Pandanus tectorius and other shore plants. Such well developed shore back community is now becoming rare.
The mangal community, especially the part near Sai Kung, is one of the favourite sites for postgraduate research (e.g. Leung 1987) and ecological field trips. The site is also a study place for courses organized by the Field Study Centre of Education Department at Sai Kung.
The mud flat outside the mangal is also of biological importance. It supports nermous invertebrates which in turns provide food for larger animals such as birds and fish. Invertebrate new to science have been found here (Hirayama 1992, Mackie 1991).
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The development of small houses in the villages along Sai Sha Road has led to some illegal construction and dumping activities at some parts of the coast