南風道林地 / Nam Fung Road Woodland
南風道林位於聶高信山的南邊山坡,地點面積約為8公頃,位於海拔約80至120米。 它的南面是南風路,北面是一個集水區。東端有遠足人士喜歡的金夫人馳馬徑。
The site is situated on the southern slope of Mount Nicholson and is at an elevation of about 80 to 120 metres above sea level. It is bounded by Nam Fung Road to the south and a catchwater to the north. The site is approximately 8 hectares in area. The Lady Clementi's Ride, a popular hiking trail, starts at the eastern end of the site and passes through the woodland.
The woodland is the remnant of the mature forest originally covering the nearby area and is at least 150 years old. It has been documented in botanical publications since 1845 (Lai & Yip, 2008). The floristic composition of the woodland is unique on Hong Kong Island. Such Endorspermum Woodland is also rare in the South China area and thus of special scientific interest.
The woodland supports a wide variety of different plants. The central part of it mainly consisted of large mature trees. The most dominant trees are Endospermum chinense (黃桐), and Schima superba (木荷). Other dominating trees include Artocarpus hypargyreus (白桂木), Bridelia insulana (禾串樹) and Mallotus paniculatus (白楸).
There is also a rich collection of woody lianas within the woodland. Vines stretching over 30 metres are not uncommon. The dominating climbers are Bauhinia championi (缺葉藤), Bauhinia glauca (粉葉羊蹄甲), Calamus tetradactylus (白藤), Gnetum luofuense (羅浮買麻藤) and Uvaria grandiflora (大花紫玉盤).
Rare and uncommon plants recorded include Artocarpus styracifolius (二色菠蘿蜜), Artocarpus tonkiensis (胭脂樹), Campellia salicifolia (柳葉茶), Chrysophyllum lanceolatum var. stellatocarpon (金葉樹), Cryptocarya (黃果厚殼桂), Gleditsia fera (華南皀莢), Memecylon nigrescens (黑葉谷木), Uvaria calamistrata (刺果紫玉盤) and Lagerstroemia foordii (廣東紫薇).
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
任何發展都會地破壞這片林地。 遠足的遊客亦有機會帶來亂扔垃圾,山火和破壞樹木等風險,土沈香很容易遭到非法砍伐。
Any further development within this area will inevitably damage this piece of mature Endospermum woodland on Hong Kong Island. The visitors to the popular hiking trail bring with them high risk of litter, fire and disturbance to the vegetation. Aquilaria sinensis is vulnerable to unauthorized collection.