后海灣內灣 / Inner Deep Bay
The Inner Deep Bay area is situated in the North Western part of the New Territories and bordered by the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to the North. The Bay is dissected by the boundary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the portion of the Bay covered by the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is about 1036 hectares. The major habitat tyes inside the site include an extensive intertidal mudflat of esturarine nature and a bay with shallow water.
The shallow waters and mudflat provide an abundant food supply and feeding and resting grounds for some 50000 waterbirds of about 300 species every winter. Over 20 of them are considered globally threatened, including about one fifth of the global population of Black-faced Spoonbil Platalea minor (黑臉琵鷺).
The mudflat and shallow waters also support a wide variety of organisms which are of economic values, e.g. mangrove crabs Scylla paramamosian (鋸緣青蟹) and shrimps Metapanaeus (新對蝦屬) and scientific importance (e.g. it is the type locality of the Sesarmine Crab Perisesarma maipoensis (米埔近相手蟹) which occurs nowhere else in the world).
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
Development projects in North West New Territories may pose threats to the site either directly through dredging; or indirectly by the discharge of pollutants into the bay.