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大帽山高地灌木林區 / Tai Mo Shan Montane Scrub Forest


The south-east slopes of Tai Mo Shan are clothed with patches of well developed montane forest. The area is about 130 hectares.

值得留意的是林區中的植物群,當中包括葛量洪茶與穗花杉。蕨類植物種類豐富,例如劍蕨屬、全緣鳳尾蕨、以及大量的膜蕨屬。該處更記錄了超過30種蘭花。在1974年,中文大學的Y. C. Kong博士在環境保護署自然保育小組主席及另一名成員的陪同下,將約100隻本地蠑螈(歐螈屬)於該處的溪流中野放,透過增殖放流的方法以保育本地的原生動物群。

葛量洪茶 (原名大苞山茶)

這個品種於1885年在大帽山初次被發現。在該地觀察到的相信是該品種於本港的唯一一棵樹,亦是第一個被採集到標準標本的個體。若真有其事,那麼這個標本亦會是目前為止在香港記錄到,唯一可繁殖的標本。穗花杉屬是東亞地區特有的針葉樹屬。穗花杉屬在分類學上頗為複雜,至今仍未有定論。一些學者將其歸類為紫杉科或三尖杉科。亦有學者認為它應該擁有另外一個單獨的科——穗花杉科。除此以外,對於穗花杉是否應該被細分為三、四個獨立的品種的問題上,分類學上尚有爭議。海外的研究機構正在對穗花杉的分類進行研究,而這些研究經常需要新鮮的材料樣本。當時一份研究(Den Outer and Toes 1974)中的材料便是由香港植物標本室提供。香港植物標本室的職員收集了穗花杉的樹枝條以幫助研究。最近有更多新鮮的樣本以及實地測量的數據被送到海外研究,對認清每棵植物的差異有著重大的幫助。根據Li (1952) 的研究,穗花杉屬相信面臨著絕種的危機。

The tree-flora is noteworthy and includes Camellia granthamiana and Amentataxus argotaenia. The fern flora is rich with varieties such as Loxogramme lanceolata and Pteris insignis and an abundance of Hymenophyllum at high level. Over 30 species of orchids have been recorded from this site.
About a hundred local newts (Triturus sinensis) were released into a stream in this site in 1974 by Dr. Y.C. Kong of the Chinese University in the presence of the chairman and a member of the Nature Conservation sub-committee. This was a restocking exercise related to the Conservation of the indigenous fauna of the area.

Camellia granthamiana
This tree species was first made known to the scientific world in 1956 when Dr. Sealy (1956) described it and named it in honour of the then Governor, Sir Alexander Grantham.
Only one single tree was found at that time from which the definitive type specimen was collected. Diligent searching has now revealed an additional group of 18 trees growing in a valley within this site.

Amentotaxus Agrotaenia
This species was first discovered in 1885 in Tai Mo Shan and it is distinctly possible that the single tree observed in this site might be the same one from which the first and definitive type specimen was collected. If this is so, then this is the only fertile specimen of this species so far recorded in Hong Kong.
Amentotaxus is a coniferous genus endemic to eastern Asia. The taxonomic position of Amentotaxus is interesting, complicated and still uncertain. Some authorities place it either in the Taxaceae, or Cephalotaxaceae whilst others suggest that it should form a separate family, the Amentotaxuceae. There is also dispute as to whether A. argotaenia should correctly be further subdivided into 3, or perhaps 4, seperate species.
Studies on this taxonomy are taking place in overseas research institutes and these studies often require fresh material. A research paper (Den Outer and Toes 1974) has recently been published based on twigs collected in Hong Kong, especially collected by the Herbarium staff for this study. More fresh materials have recently been sent, and field measurements of certain features of the leaf carried out by the Herbarium staff on behalf of an overseas researcher "have gone a long way towards clarifying the amount of variation to be met with per plant.
Amentotaxus is feared to be on the verge of becoming extinct (Li 1952).

地點資訊 Site Details

相關風險 Degree of Hazards


Being located within a water catchment area, the site is provided with management and protection services of the Agriculture & Fisheries Department.
Camellia is listed as in the legislation as a "protected plant".
Both Camellia granthamiana and Amentotaxus Agrotaenia are attrcative plants and are likely to be attractive to plant "collectors" who may not be aware of their scientific importance.

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