大菴 / Tai Om
Tai Om Fung Shui Woodland is located in the Lam Tsuen Valley, Tai Po. The area of the woodland is approximately 2.7 ha.
這是一個南中國鄉村的典型風水林,風水林呈新月形,環繞在大菴村的後方。 林地非常茂密,樹冠層高達到30米,與相鄰的農地和長滿灌木叢的山坡形成了鮮明的對比。
The site is typical representative of Fung Shui Woodland, which is a unique feature of the South China countryside. The woodland is in a well-defined crescent-shape, lying protrctively around the rear of Tai Om village. The woodland is very dense and its upper canopy attains a height of 30 metres, providing a remarkable contrast with the adjacent shrubby hillsides and agricultural land.
The woodland demonstrates clear vertical stratification, a characteristic of tropical forest in which different plant species consititute canopy layer and understorey and result in a diverse habitat. The canopy layer is dominated by Schima superba (木荷). Ardisia quinquegona (羅傘樹) and Psychotria asiatica (九節) among other shade tolerant plants from a dense understorey. Many tree trunks and branches in and below the canopy are covered with a dense tangle of vines. An example is the Gnetum lofuense (羅浮買麻藤) an individual of the species with a stem as thick as 30 cm in diameter was identified indicating the woodland is very old and relatively free from human disturbance.
A total of 170cm plant species has been recorded at Tai Om Fung Shui Woodland. The species richness is very high considering the relatively small size of the woodland. Most significantly, a new plant record for Hong Kong, Popowia Pisocarpa (嘉陵花) was found at the site. This rare shrub species is abundant there, constituting a representative population for conservation. To date, this species has onlt been recorded at one other location at Ng Tung Chai but that population is much smaller. Another rare plant species Geophila herbacea (愛地草) which is a herbaceous species was found at the site. This is one of the few localities where this species was recorded.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The site is currently outside existing country parks and statutory plans. There is only a small orchard located between the woodland and the village houses and the site is largely free from disturbance. However, any village development that encroaches upon the site would have adverse impact to the woodland.