尖鼻咀 / Tsim Bei Tsui
The site is a seafront location at Tsim Bei Tsui just below Tsim Bei Tsui Police Post (JV923897) in the north-western part of the New Territories of Hong Kong. The area is about 2.1 hectares.
尖鼻咀擁有一個成熟的紅樹林群落,紅樹林從陸上的高地發展至水邊的先鋒物種,其中包括在香港越來越少見的木欖。 此外該紅樹林為香港唯一已知的大型紅樹林腹足動物,平滑耳螺提供了的棲息地。
The site contains a mature mangrove community, progressing from the high zoned mangroves of the landward fringe to the pioneer species at the water edge. Amongst them is Bruguiera conjugata which is becoming rare in Hong Kong. Moreover, this mangrove stand provides the only known habitat in Hong Kong for the large mangrove pulmonate snail, Ellobium polita (Ellobiidae).
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
Although the site appears to be well protected due to its proximity to the Police Station and by the Boarder Fence, any further development of existing or new fish ponds/duck farms or similar foreshore activities could destroy this mangrove community.