新洲 / San Chau
The site is a coastal hill slope on the northern Lantau near Tai O. It covers approximately 36 ha of scrubland. The whole site involves only Government land and the upper part of the site falls within the North Lantau Country Park.
新洲擁有最大已知的毛葉杜鵑群。 在香港毛葉杜鵑只於馬鞍山和太平山頂曾有零星的出沒記錄。 該物種於1849年在香港首次被發現,亦是當時的新發現品種。 隨後雖於不同地方都有記錄,但其分佈僅限於華南地區,並集中於廣東。
毛葉杜鵑被認為是香港最稀有的本地杜鵑花之一。 所有野生杜鵑均受香港法例第九十六章《林區及郊區條例》保護
The site harbours the largest known population of Rhododendron championge Hook. in Hong Kong. Other limited records of this species in Hong Kong are the scattered individuals found on Ma On Shan and the Victoria Peak. This species was first dicovered in Hong Kong in 1849 and at that time it was new to the science. It has subsequently been recorded in various locations but its distribution is restricted to south China and concentrated in Guangdong.
Rhododendron championge is considered as one of the rarest native Rhododendron in Hong Kong. All wild Rhododendrons are protected under the Forestry Regulations, subsidary legislation of the Forests and Countryside Ordinance, Cap. 96.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The site may be affected by a proposed road link between Tung Chung and West Lantau.