果洲群島 / Ninepin Group
The site consists of the two larger islands of the Ninepin Group in the Eastern Waters of Hong Kong. They are Pak Kwo Chau (G.R. KV265650 and area 24 hectares) and Nam Kwo Chau (G.R. KV267637 and area 21 hectares).
(Total area: 45 hectares)
這兩個島嶼的植物於香港離岸島嶼較具代表性,南果洲的植被特別有趣。 相對之下,島上三個山丘東北面的斜坡上的植物總是比西南向斜坡上的植物更豐富和更高。 這種植物與地貌之間的關係在香港其他地方也會出現,但在南果洲上這情況更為明顯。南果洲亦可找到梔子和棕竹。
The vegetation of these two islands is representative of many of the off-shore islands adjacent to Hong Kong.
The vegetation on the Nam Kwo Chau is especially interesting. The vegetation on the north-east facing slopes of the three hills on the island is always richer and taller than that on the south-west facing slopes. This relation between vegetation and aspect is also noticed elsewhere in Hong Kong but at this site the relation is very readily apprarent.
Two species of plants, Gardenia jasminoides & Rhapis excelsa which are protected under the Forest and Countryside Ordinance and one species of a yet unidentified plant (probably new to Hong Kong) have been located on Nam Kwo Chau.
The east coast of Pak Kwo Chau displays a spectacular basalt which is of geological interest.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards