沙塘口山及火石洲 / Bluff Island & Basalt Island
沙塘口山及火石洲位於香港東部水域, 面積約為147公頃。
The site consists of the Bluff Island and the Basalt Island in the Eastern Waters of Hong Kong. The site of the area is about 147 hectares.
從兩個島嶼的地貌都可見海蝕作用的巨大影響力,而島嶼的東部比在西部受到更強的海蝕。 而火石洲東岸的玄武岩特別壯觀,具有相當高的地理價值。
The vegetation on these two islands is representative of many of the off-shore islands of Hong Kong which are covered exclusively by grassland.
A consideration of the environmental conditions existing on these islands suggests that the grassland in the New Territories is not a climax but is maintained by frequent hillfires.
The grassland community on these two islands is a vegetation type which is limited by extreme exposureto wind, often salt-laden; by the rocky, steep slopes carrying only shallow soils and by being subject to extremes of dyness due to the quick runoff of rainfall and the exposure to direct insolation.
The landform of both the island shows clearly that the influence of sea waves on the islands is much stronger on the eastern side than on the western. The basalt on the eastern coast of the Basalt Island is especially spectacular and is of geographical interest.
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