海下灣 / Hoi Ha Wan
Hoi Ha Wan site is a sheltered bay situated at the northern coastline of Sai Kung Peninsula and covers an area of 278 hectares.
The coral communities of Hong Kong are of interest as they exist close the generally recognized limit for hermatypic (i.e. reef-building) coral growth and are distinct from the reef systems of the Philippines, Tung Sha and Sai Sha. Being a sheltered bay but open to oceanic waters, and not affected critcally by pollution, Hoi Ha Wan provides a good environment for the corals to flourish. The species belong to the order Scleratinia that are responsible for the building up of coral reefs. The representative species are pavona decussata (Agariciidae), Platygyra sinensis (Faviidae) and Porites lobata (Poritidae) which occupy the shallow habitats and Alveopora irregularis (Poritidae) and Stylocoeniella guentheri (Astrocoeniidae) which occupy the deeper habitats, while Cyphastrea spp. (Faviidae) are found throughout the depth range.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The polluted, sediment loaded, waters of Tolo Channel affect the mouth of bay although the main body of the bay has good water quality and sustains coral communities. Future development and changes of land use in Wanchai Borrow Area may cause water pollution and sedimentation of Hoi Ha Wan. Divers and their associated activities may affect the normal development of coral communities.