深水灣谷 / Deep Water Bay Valley
深水灣谷位於深水灣道以南的山谷,面積約4.2公頃。 深水灣谷被密集的天然林地覆蓋,亦包括一條流入深水灣的溪流。
The Site is situated at the valley to the south of Deep Water Bay Road facing southwest with about 4.2 hectares in size. It is densely covered by natural woodland with streams flowing into Deep Water Bay.
The Site habours the largest surviving population of a rare shrub Aristolochia thwaitesii Hook. f. (海邊馬兜鈴,Seaside Dutchman's pipe) in Hong Kong. The Site is believed to be the type loclity of A. thwaitesii, which was first collected on Hong Kong Island in 1856 when it was considred new to science.
Apart from A. thwaitesii, other plant species of conservation values, including Camellia hongkongensis (香港茶), Artabotrys hongkongensis (香港鷹爪花), Artocarpus hypargyreus (白桂木) and Selenodesmium siamense (華南長筒蕨) are also present at the Site.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The existing population of A. thwaitesii at the Site is not subject to immediate threat. However, as the species is vulnerable to development imapct, any development proposal within and in the vicinity of the Site may pose threats to the population in the valley.