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深涌海岸 / Sham Chung Coast


This site is a belt of coast between Sham Chung Wan and Tung King Pai (Flat Reef) on the southern side of Tolo Channel in the north-eastern part of Sai Kung Peninusla. The area is about 26 hectares.

深涌海岸包含豐富的化石積藏,包括雙殼類丶微型化石丶植物化石丶菊石丶腹足綱和海百合。 含化石的床層由黑灰色泥岩丶頁岩和黃白或灰色粉砂岩組成。 這些床層由八層組成:四層位於東南上方,另外四層位北部。 這是香港極少數發現擁有如此豐富化石的地點之一,對研究香港及相關地區的地質歷史具有特殊的科學價值。

This site contains rich assemblages of fossil, including Bivalves, micro fossils, plant fossils, ammonites, Gastropods and Crinoids. The fossil bearing beds consist of blackish grey mudstone, shale, and yellowish white or grey muddy siltstone. These beds comprise of eight layers: four layers occur to thesouth-east of the headland and the other four to the north of the headline.
This is one of the very few sites in Hong Kong where such a rich content of fossils have been discovered and it is of speical scientific value for the study of geological history of Hong Kong and related areas.

地點資訊 Site Details

相關風險 Degree of Hazards

雖然該地點位於西貢西郊野公園內,但其保護範圍僅限於水平面位以上的地區。 任何包括傾倒丶填海丶取土和其他沿海工程的提議都可能損壞這條狹窄的化石承載層。 此外,不受管理的化石開採活動也可能破壞深涌海岸的價值。

Although the site is located within the Sai Kung West Country Park, however its protection is confined to those areas above the high water mark. Any proposal for controlled tipping, land reclamation, borrowing and other coastal works could damage this narrow belt of fossil bearing beds. Furthermore, undiscriminated fossil-digging activities could also destroy the site.

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