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深灣 / Sham Wan


The site is located at the sea inlet of South Lamma. It includes a sandy beach about 0.5 hectares in area and the adjoining shallow shore. The total size of the site is about 4 hectares. It falls on Government land.

正如其他海龜一樣,綠海龜會回到出生地點產卵。在繁殖季節(6月到10月),海龜會遷徙回到出生巢灘附近的淺水區交配。 雌性綠海龜平均每3年便會遷回產卵地點, 於每季上岸兩次或以上,將卵產在海灘上的巢穴之中。 因此在繁殖季節綠海龜會於此區域活動。

The site is the only known nesting site for Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Hong Kong. In 1998, up to 12 nesting were recorded at the site. The site is also one of the few remaining nesting sites in Southern China. Therefore, the site is important to the survival of this species in both the local and regional context.
Green Turtles, like other sea turtles, return to nest at the beach where they were born. During their breeding season (from June to October), the turtles migrate from their feeding ground to mate in shallow waters off their nesting beach. The females come ashore twice or more a season on an average of every 3 years to lay eggs in a nest cavity on the beach. Thus their activity area during their breeding season also covers the waters immediately adjoning the beach.

地點資訊 Site Details

相關風險 Degree of Hazards


Green Turtles normally have a very low survival rate due to predation and natural mortaility. Mature turtles only lay eggs every three years on the average. As the Green Turtles invariably return to the same beach to nest, any development and human activities that will change the natural environment of the nesting site and/or cause obstructions to the migratory route of the Green Turtles would wipe out the local population. Habitat destruction or alteration on the nesting beach has therefore a direct impact on the viability of the entire population. Illumination and noise produced behind the nesting beach as a result of beach development, recreational activities or roads will deter he female turtles from coming ashore to nest. Also, intensive illumination will disorient the turtle hatchings from going into the sea, causing deaths to the hatchlins. Debris washed ashore hinders movement of nesting turtles and hatchlings.
Boating and fishing activities in the sea area during the breeding season of the turtles (from June to October) may also cause disturbance to their mating activity. They could also be accidentally caught in the nest and hit by the propellers. Poaching of eggs by human will also cause serve population decline.

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