社山風水林 / She Shan Fung Shui Woodland
The Fung Shui Woodland at the back of the village of She Shan is about 5.7 hectares in area.
This woodland together with the Shing Mun Fung Shui Woodland, which has already been designated as a SSSI, will provide the basis for comparison with similar relic woodlands occuring elsewhere in Hong Kong.
This woodland is different from the Shing Mun Fung Shui Woodland by being functional instead of forestry plantations, and provide a focal point for birdlife of the area.
The woodland includes important plant species such as Asplenium nidus (protected) and Ardisia hanceana.
There is a very old specimen tree of Cinnamonom camphora with a basal diameter of about 3 meters, which is still growing well, in speite of a large hollow hole in the trunk.
The site is attractive to birds and a wide variety of species occur there on migration and during the winter. Many of the species are the same as are found in Tai Po Kau, but in addition, the Jay and Rufous Woodpecker may breed in She Shan.
地點資訊 Site Details
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相關風險 Degree of Hazards
An incinerator for disposing village rubbish is situated near the woodland. The effect of this on the woodland should be closely watched.
During inspection of 12 March 1975 there was evidence of camping activities on the abandonded fields near the woodland. Some trees and shrubs had been taken out of the woodland for use in setting up tents.
During inspection of the site one cage trap was found and there was evidence of bird trapping.