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荔枝窩海灘 / Lai Chi Wo Beach

位於沙頭角海的一片沙灘, 格網座標為KV182939,面積為11公頃。

The site is the sand flat at Lai Chi Wo in Starling Inlet, the G.R. is KV182939 and the area is 11 hectares.

這是香港唯一個有錄得長有Zostera nana(鰻草)的地點(於1978年發現)。

The site is the first and only record of Zostera nana (Marine Eel Grass) from Hong Kong (discovered in 1978).
The discovery of the genus Zostera in Hong Kong is of special interest to the plant geographer as its distribution was thought to be limited to the temperate regions.
Zostera is also interesting zoologically as Zostera beds typically possess a unique associated fauna.

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