蓮麻坑河 / Lin Ma Hang Stream
The Site is a second-order tributary of Shenzhen River in the northern part of New Territories within the Frontier Closed Area (FCA). The main course is about 2 km long and 1.5 to 4.0 wide.
It is a typical lowland freshwater stream characterized by slow flowing and shallow channel bordered with riparian vegetations. The stream course is largely natural and its drainage basin is mainly abandoned agricultural land. Similar stream habitats in Hong Kong with such characteristics are becoming rare due to water pollution by human activities and channelization works.
The Lin Ma Hang Stream supports 20 primary freshwater fish species (i.e. fishes that spend their entire life in freshwater) and was reported as the most species-rich site in Hong Kong in terms of primary freshwater fishes. Among these 20 fish species, 15 of them are native to Hong Kong, representing 50% of all such species, and some are of conservation value. For example, Rasbora sterineri 斯氏波魚 is locally rare and was once thought to have been extinct locally but the species now has a thriving population in the Lin Ma Hang Stream. Rasborinus lineatus 線細鯿 and Mastacembelus armatus 大刺鰍 have very limited record in lowland streams, and Channa asiatica 月鱧 is lovally uncommon in the wild.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
Activities that will change the water quality and hydrology of the stream, such as pollution, channelisation, culverting or diversion may affect the fish fauna. Developments which alter considerably the existing land use surrounding the steam may affect the stream habitat and associated riparian vegetation.