馬鞍山 / Ma On Shan
The north and north-east slopes of the Hunchbacks and the east slope of Ma On Shan. The area is about 118 hectares.
這是一片典型的山地灌木林,而其中孕育了不少稀有和有趣的植物。在六種已知的本地杜鵑花品種當中,有五種會在此處生長。在此地亦能找到兩種尚未被正式描述和命名的藥草品種,分別為帚菊屬和苦苣苔科的植物。其中稀有的植物包括:穗花杉、木蓮和香港木蘭。木蓮為科學界所認識的契機來自太平山上的一棵樹。曾經有人認為這個品種在世界大戰中已經被全數摧毀而絕種,但在1969年5月11日, 胡秀英博士在馬鞍山發現了木蓮。木蓮屬在木蘭科植物當中的歷史可算是非常久遠,甚至比起它相近的旁系群(如木蘭屬和含笑屬)更為古老。
This is an area of typical montane scrub forest in which occurs a number of rare and interesting plants.
Five of the six known native species of Rhododendrons grow wild in this site.
A Pertya and a Gesnerid, both new species of herbs which are not yet described and formally named, occur in this site.
Rare trees include Amentotaxus argotaenia, Manglietia fordiana* and Mangolia championi.
*Manglietia fordiana Oliv. (Hong Kong Tree Lotus).
This species was known to the scientific world only through one tree at Victoria Peak. It was out during the World War and the species was thought to be extinct. However it was discovered in this site by Dr. S.Y. Hu on May 11, 1969.
Manglietia belongs to the family Magnoliaceae which represents a very old stock in the natural history of flowering plants. Furthermore among members of the Magnoliaceae family, the Manglietia branch is believed to be older than its cousin branches of Magnolia and Michelia.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
Being a site on Crown Land, the plants are under the general protection of the forestry Ordinance Cap 96. Agriculture & Fisheries Department is aware of the site.
However, the site is vulnerable to bush-fire.
Rhododendrons, Manglietia, Magnolia & Amentotaxus are attractive plants and are likely to be attractive to plant "collectors" who may not be aware of their scientific importance.