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鴉洲 / A Chau


The site is an island situated on the south-west part of the Sha Tau Kok Hoi. The area is about 4.4 hectares.

鴉洲是鳥類的重要棲息地,當中包括夜鷺丶小白鷺丶大白鷺丶紅嘴鷗和其他海鷗。 夜鷺的存在特別令人感興趣,而其數量亦正在增加,據1985年2月的估計夜鷺的數量約為800隻。相對偏遠的鴉洲為過境遷徙鳥提供了一個極好的繁殖地點。 在土地用途常被更改的前題之下,在研究鳥類種群動態方面鴉洲具有巨大的潛在價值。

This is an important habitat of bird including Night Heron, Little Egret, Great Egret, Black-headed Gull and Herring Gull. The presence of Night Heron is of particular interest and the numbers are increasing. The estimated numeber of this species in February, 1985 is about 800. The isloated condition has porvided an excellent breeding sites for the passage migrants. This area has great potential in the study of the populations dynamic of birds under the changing land use.

地點資訊 Site Details

相關風險 Degree of Hazards


The increasing concentration of birds attract a large number of public who wish to observe and photograph the birds. The land reclamations along the Luk Keng Road have already destroyed part of the feeding habitats of the bird. Further development in the Sha Tau Kok area may disturb the stability of this wildlife habitat.

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