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鶴咀半島 / D' Aguilar Peninsula


The site is located at the north-western slope of the Cape D'Aguilar Peak and south of Windy Gap. The area is about 5 hectares.


The site is a natural mixed shrubland with over 140 plant species are recorded. A number rare or protected plant species have been recorded from the site. Keteleeria fortunei (油杉) is a native species which has been listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and China Plant Data Book as well as listed in the Forests and Countryside Ordinanace (Cap.96). The individuals found at the site together with those in Stanely Peninsula represent the known remaining wild stock of this species in Hong Kong.
Other rare or protected species recorded included Artocarpus hypargyreus (白桂木), Ixonanthes reticulata (黏木), Lagerstroemia fordii (廣東紫薇), Artabotrys hongkongensis (香港鷹爪花), Acampe rigida (多花脆蘭), Cleisostoma simondii var. guangdongenese (廣東隔距蘭), Geodorum densiflorum (地寶蘭) and Cyclobalanopsis glauca (青岡).

地點資訊 Site Details

相關風險 Degree of Hazards


Species of conservation concern like Ixonanthes reticulata and Artabotrys hongkongensis are located on roadside area, their existance may come under pressure if any road improvement works are carried out.
The beautiful orchids together with the branchlets and cones of Keteleeria fortunei are attractive to plant collectors. These species are therefore under pressure to be damaged by illegal cutting/trimming.

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