龍鼓灘山谷 / Lung Kwu Tan Valley
The Site is situated at the east and northeast of Nam Long Village in Lung Kwu Tan. It is about 6.72 ha in size and covers a Fung Shui Wood, hill slopes and a valley with natural woodland and streams flowing into the Lung Kwu Tan area.
The Site is widely reconized as one of the most important butterfly habitats in Hong Kong with a high diversity of butterfly species recorded (over 130 species). The Site supports the largest population of the rare butterfly species Cethosia bibles (紅鋸蛺蝶) in Hong Kong. Other butterfly species of conservstion value recorded at the Site include Parantica swinhoei (史氏絹斑蝶), Badamia exclamationis (尖翅弄蝶) and Hasora vitta (緯帶趾弄蝶).
The Fung Shui wood and natural woodland at the Site are important breeding habitats of butterflies, where a diverse assemblage of butterfly larval food plants has been recorded, including the rare vine Passiflora moluccana var. teysmanniana (蛇王藤, King Snake Creeper). In Hong Kong, P. moluccana is the only known larval food plant of C. bibles and is only recorded at a few other localities.
地點資訊 Site Details
相關風險 Degree of Hazards
The Fung Shui wood and natural woodland at the Site is vulnerable to hill fires and development impacts. Development within or in the vicinity of the Site may pose threats to the butterfly populations breeding at the Site.