SSSI in Hong Kong
荔枝莊 / Lai Chi Chong
This is a belt of coastal area extending from a river estuary to the eastern side of the ferry pier. The area of the site is about 5 hectares. Most parts of the site is located within Sai Kung West Country Park.
后海灣內灣 / Inner Deep Bay
The Inner Deep Bay area is situated in the North Western part of the New Territories and bordered by the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone to the North. The Bay is dissected by the boundary of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the portion of the Bay covered by the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is about 1036 hectares. The major habitat tyes inside the site include an extensive intertidal mudflat of esturarine nature and a bay with shallow water.
尖鼻咀鷺鳥林 / Tsim Bei Tsui Egretry
The site comprises of two Fung Shui Groves south of Tsim Bei Tsui in North Western New Territories and covers an area of 4.8 hectares.
海下灣 / Hoi Ha Wan
海下灣 位於西貢半島的北面海岸,面積約278公頃。
Hoi Ha Wan site is a sheltered bay situated at the northern coastline of Sai Kung Peninsula and covers an area of 278 hectares.
鶴咀 / Hok Tsui (Cape D'Aguilar)#
The site is located at the south-eastern part of Hong Kong Island. It consists of the tip of the Cape D' Aguilar Peninsula, the Kau Pei Chau and the coastal water surrounding them. The area is 31.5 hectares (10.5 ha of land and 21 ha of sea).
南風道林地 / Nam Fung Road Woodland
南風道林位於聶高信山的南邊山坡,地點面積約為8公頃,位於海拔約80至120米。 它的南面是南風路,北面是一個集水區。東端有遠足人士喜歡的金夫人馳馬徑。
The site is situated on the southern slope of Mount Nicholson and is at an elevation of about 80 to 120 metres above sea level. It is bounded by Nam Fung Road to the south and a catchwater to the north. The site is approximately 8 hectares in area. The Lady Clementi's Ride, a popular hiking trail, starts at the eastern end of the site and passes through the woodland.
井頭海岸 / Tseng Tau Coast
The site covers a coastal area of about 1km long near Tseng Tau facing Kei Ling Ha Hoi (Three Fathoms Cove). The area is about 4.3 hectares.
萡刀屻及婆髻山 / Pok To Yan & Por Kai Shan
The site covers two area of montane shrub forests on the northern steep slopes of Pok To Yan and theeastern slopes of Por Kai Shan at the northern Lantau Island. The toal area of the two forests is about 76.4 hectares.
船灣鷺鳥林 / Shuen Wan Egretry
The site is a small fund shui woodland situated behind the villages of Shuen Wan Tsim Uk and Shuen Wan Li Uk. The area of the site is about 2.1 hectares.
大埔鷺鳥林 / Tai Po Egretry
大埔鷺鳥林是一片面積約1.2公頃的林地,位於黃肇枝中學和大埔墟港鐵路站附近的小山丘上 。
The site is a small woodland situated on a small hill adjacent to Wong Shiu Chi Middle School and Tai Po Market KCR Station. The area is about 1.2 hectares.
蓮麻坑鉛礦場 / Lin Ma Hang Lead Mines
The site is located on the northern part of the New Territories within the frontier closed area. The mine had been deserted since 1950s, leaving behind numerous galleries at different levels. Entrance to some of the galleries were blocked. The site covers an area about 10 hectares of scrubland.
企嶺下紅樹林 / Kei Ling Ha Mangal
The site includes the mangal community and the mud flat covering the western coast of Kei Ling Ha Hoi (Three Fathoms Cove) from Tseng Tau southward to the iner bay. The total area is about 48.4 hectares. The mangal community receives discharges from a number of small freshwater streams originating from Ma On Shan. The largest stand of mangroves can be found near Sai Kung.
䃟頭海岸 / San Tau Beach
The site is a shallow sheltering beach of about 2.7 hectares with fine sand and silt. It is situated at the west coast of Tung Chung Wan on Lantau Island.
沙羅洞 / Sha Lo Tung
The site is located in Sha Lo Tung, which is approximately 3.8km from the centre of the Tai Po New Town to its south. It comprises the stream courses and the 30m buffer areas on both sides of the streams. The stream courses are low gradient streams approximately 3-5m in width, with shallow riffles and pools to 1.5m in depth meander through the abandoned agricultural areas and drain to the Hok Tau reservoir located to the north. The area is about 22.05 hectares.
石澳山仔 / Shek O Headland
The site is located at the south-east coast of the Shek O Headland covering the interdial zone of the Headline and the surrounding marine environment. The area is about 0.66 hectares.
昂坪 / Ngong Ping
該地點位於大嶼山昂坪,面積約為14公頃, 覆蓋了昂坪溪流的一部分,一些林地。
The site is located at Ngong Ping, Lantau Island. It has an area of about 14 hectares, covering part of Ngong Ping Stream, some forest areas and plantations. Details of the site coverage are marked on the plan attached. (B.B.: Any building within the area is not included in the SSSI.)
新洲 / San Chau
The site is a coastal hill slope on the northern Lantau near Tai O. It covers approximately 36 ha of scrubland. The whole site involves only Government land and the upper part of the site falls within the North Lantau Country Park.
大蠔河 / Tai Ho Stream
The site, having an area of about 5 hectares, covers a natural stream (Tai Ho Stream) with several tributaries running from upload to the lowland estuary. The Tai Ho Stream runs past Tin Liu, Tai Ho San Tusen and Ngau Kwu Long to Tai Ho Wan. The southern end of the Tai Ho Wan with adjoining mangrove and seagrass is also included. Details of the site coverage are marked on the attached plan.
深灣 / Sham Wan
The site is located at the sea inlet of South Lamma. It includes a sandy beach about 0.5 hectares in area and the adjoining shallow shore. The total size of the site is about 4 hectares. It falls on Government land.
青衣南 / Tsing Yi South
位於青衣南面青衣山的山坡上。 面積約1.1公頃。
The site is a slope below the peak at South Tsing Yi. The area is about 1.1 hectares.